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System Configuration


If you'd like to install Hedge from source you will have to install some dependencies first:

  • Go
  • NodeJS

Install Golang

  • Visit the official Go website and download the latest stable version of Go suitable for your operating system.

  • Follow the installation instructions for your OS to set up Go on your system.

  • Open a terminal and run the command go version to confirm that Go is successfully installed

Install NodeJS

  • Visit the official NodeJS website and download the latest LTS version of NodeJS suitable for your operating system.

  • Follow the installation instructions for your OS to install NodeJS on your system.

  • Open a terminal and run the command node -v to ensure NodeJS is correctly installed.

Commonly Used Ports

Hedged uses the following TCP ports. Toggle their settings to match your environment.

Most validators will only need to open the following port:

26656: Tendermint P2P

The default port for the P2P protocol. This port is used to communicate with other nodes and must be open to join a network. However, it does not have to be open to the public. For validator nodes, configuring persistent_peers and closing this port to the public are recommended.

Additional Ports

1317: Rest Server

The default port for the Lite Client Daemon (LCD), which can be executed by hedged rest-server. The LCD provides an HTTP RESTful API layer to allow applications and services to interact with your hedged instance through RPC. For usage examples, see Hedge REST API. You don't need to open this port unless you have use for it.

26657: Tendermint RPC

The default port for the RPC protocol. Because this port is used for querying and sending transactions, it must be open for serving queries from hedged.