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Delegating to a Validator

Confirm Node Synchronization

Verify that your node has finished synching and it is caught up with the network

# Wait until you see the output: "false"
hedged status 2>&1 | jq .SyncInfo.catching_up

Verify Account Funds

Verify that your account has funds in it in order to perform staking

# Make sure you can see your account name in the keys list
hedged keys list

# Make sure you see your account has HDE tokens in it
hedged query bank balances $(hedged keys show -a <key_name>)

Delegate your Stake

Execute the following command to delegate your stake to a validator:

hedged tx staking delegate <validator_address> <amount_to_delegate>uhedge --from <key_name> --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas-prices 0.025uhedge --chain-id <chain_id>
  • <validator_address>: Replace this with the address of the validator you want to delegate to (e.g., hedgevaloper1w2dh562urvynj0z0kfus7xfthvu75l9z99yyqp).
  • <amount_to_delegate>: Specify the amount of HDE tokens you want to delegate (e.g., 1000000000uhedge).
  • <key_name>: Specify the name of your wallet.
  • <chain_id>: Replace this with the chain ID of the Hedge network you are delegating to (e.g., berberis-1).

The terminal will ask you to confirm the transaction:

gas estimate: 171607
- amount: "4291"
denom: uhedge
gas_limit: "171607"
granter: ""
payer: ""
signer_infos: []
tip: null
extension_options: []
memo: ""
- '@type': /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate
amount: "10000"
denom: uhedge
delegator_address: hedge1w2dh562urvynj0z0kfus7xfthvu75l9zfv5s9r
validator_address: hedgevaloper1w2dh562urvynj0z0kfus7xfthvu75l9z99yyqp
non_critical_extension_options: []
timeout_height: "0"
signatures: []
confirm transaction before signing and broadcasting [y/N]: y

Type y and press Enter to confirm.

code: 0
codespace: ""
data: ""
events: []
gas_used: "0"
gas_wanted: "0"
height: "0"
info: ""
logs: []
raw_log: '[]'
timestamp: ""
tx: null
txhash: FED3AB8337E394F0E99162455F61AB35BAF8D6FBF55AE3B161AF86672DD82540

The transaction was successful. You can check your balance again or monitor transaction status to see that the amount has been deducted.

Monitor Transaction Status

After executing the delegation transaction, use the following command to monitor the status:

hedged query tx <tx_hash> --chain-id <chain_id>
  • <tx_hash>: Replace this with the hash of the delegation transaction you executed.
  • <chain_id>: Replace this with the chain ID of the Hedge network.